Just a little reminder as to why life as a single girl isn't all bad.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Reason #2: The Bathroom

Now, I've never been married, but I grew up with an older brother. I feel that this makes me somewhat of an expert on co-habitating with a member of the opposite sex, particularly when I spent 18 years dealing with him. Those of you who grew up with opposite-gender-siblings know what I'm talking about. At any rate, I found some solace when I went off to college and moved into a dorm room full of girls only, and one of the pleasant surprises I noted was the difference in the bathroom. For instance, it was such a nice surprise when I learned that:

1) the bathroom sink does not have to be coated in little hairs discarded from an electric razor.

2) the toilet seat does have the capability of remaining in the "down" position.

3) one can use hand towels and not find mysterious stains on them that you'd rather not know from whence they came.

4) one can go into the bathroom and find the towels in place on the towel rack rather than a wadded up mess of towels left on the bathroom floor to mildew.

5) the bathroom doesn't always have to smell like gym socks.

I could go on and on. It was nice not to find that my shampoo bottle had suddenly gone empty without explanation, particularly when the only other person to use my bathroom shaved his head (which explains #1 above). It was wonderful not to have to fight over who got to use the bathroom next (and girls, don't EVER let a guy tell you that girls hog the bathroom more than they do). And I never came into my bathroom and found my toothbrush mysteriously wet even though I hadn't used it since the day before. (Okay, that came from someone else, not me, but still--eww!)

So the next time you are taking a nice long bubble bath in your own bathtub at your leisure, think about Reason #2 why it's good to be single.

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